Jealous and possessive? §
Controlling and bossy? §
Quick tempered, with a history of fighting? §
Violent towards me or other people? Does my dating
partner §
Give me orders and make all the decisions? §
Check up on me all the time? §
Refuse to allow me normal contact with my family
and friends? §
Try to humiliate me? §
Call me names and insult me? §
Accuse me of having no sense of humor? §
Accuse me of provocation? §
Force me to have sex when I don't want to? §
Use alcohol or drugs and pressure me to do the same?
Pressure me to have unprotected sex? §
Like to wrestle with me 'playfully' and hurt me?
Threatened to commit suicide if I leave the relationship
or don't do what he/she wants? §
Attempted suicide because I wouldn't do what he/she
wanted? §
Harassed or threatened me, or a former dating partner?
Refused to accept the relationship isn't working
or is over? §
You may be convinced the bad behavior will stop-because
your partner apologizes, gives you gifts, and promises to behave better in future §
You may have been taught to be forgiving or be forgiving
by nature §
You may not see the behavior as part of a pattern
of abuse §
You may not realize you are not responsible for
the behavior §
You may believe you are at fault and provoked the
abuse §
You may love your partner and not want to lose him/her
You may fear being left alone with no dating partner
You may know your partner was in the wrong, but
are upset, frightened, and don't know what to do or where to turn. §
Whatever the pattern or nature of the abuse, it's
a sign of an unhealthy relationship §
In healthy, nonabusive relationships, partners do
not hurt each other §
You are not to blame for your dating partner's abuse
Abusers are solely responsible for their behavior-whatever
their habits or weaknesses §
Alcohol and drug abuse may partly explain partner
abuse but can never excuse it or make it right §
If you are a teen mother, it is especially important
to seek help and advice to ensure the safety and welfare of your child or children §
Teen dating violence can cause long-term emotional
and physical harm-you should take it seriously §
Victim services professionals are there to advise
and assist you-they can help you find the support and services you need. CLICK HERE to request more information on teen dating violence or give us a call.
Contact AAFV at AdvocatesAgainstViolence@gmail.com If you are in a dating violence relationship or know someone that is because. . .
Violence Shouldn't Be A Right Of Passage!