For Women Or Men
Ø I have the right to refuse a date without feeling guilty.
Ø I have the right to ask for a date without being crushed if the answer is no.
Ø I have the right to choose to go to parties alone without feeling that Ive got pair up with someone.
Ø I have the right to do almost anything as long as it doesnt hurt someone else.
Ø I give myself the right not to act macho.
Ø I give myself the right not to act seductively.
Ø If I want physical closeness, I have the right to ask.
Ø If I do not want physical closeness, I I have the right to ask.
Ø If I do not want physical closeness, I have the right to say no.
Ø I have the right to start a relationships slowly; to say, I want to know you better before I become involved.
Ø I have the right to be my own self without changing to suit others.
Ø I have the right to change a relationship/ to say, We used to be close and I want something else now.
Ø I have the right to be told a relationship is changing and not blame myself or change myself to keep it going.
Ø I have the right to an equal rela6ionship with the opposite sex.
Ø I have the right not to dominate, or to be dominated.
Ø I have the right to be quiet or spirited without being misunderstood.
Ø I have the right to act one way with one person and a different way with someone else.
Ø I have the right to change my goals, whenever I want.