ü Acts of domestic violence occur every 9 seconds in the U.S.
ü 50% of the couples in the U.S. experience some form of abuse in relationship
ü 25% of the couples in the U.S. experience violence as a common occurrence
ü 20% of all murders in this country are committed within the family
ü 42% of these murders are committed by relationship partner
ü 75% of women who are in an abusive relationship receive battering to their face or
ü 40% of teen age girls report knowing someone that has been hit by their boyfriend
ü Family violence costs the nation $5 billion to $10 billion a year in medical expenses,
police and court costs, shelters, foster care, and sick leave from work
ü 13,000 incidences of family violence occur at a women's workplace annually
ü 32% of homeless families that have been involved in a domestic violence relationship
have been turned away from a shelter or mission
Washington State from 1997
to 2002
ü 308 deaths resulted from domestic violence related incidents
ü 68% of all homicides were committed in domestic violence related incidents (38% increase
over 1992).
Most Family Violence Committed Against Women
ü 92% of all relationship assaults are committed by men (6 million American women are
beaten each year by their husbands or boyfriends)
ü 4000 American women are killed in domestic violence incidents each year
ü 31,260 women have been killed in domestic violence relationships between 1976 and
ü 1,000,000 plus women in domestic violence require medical attention
ü 39% of all women who use the hospital emergency services are battered
ü 25% of pregnant women in battering relationships are battered during their pregnancy
ü 1 in 4 female suicides were the victims of family violence
ü women who leave their batterers are at 75% greater risk of severe injury of injury
or death than those who stay
ü 30% to 60% of all child abuse involves family with children in abusive relationships
ü 50% of women and children that are homeless annually are fleeing a domestic violence
46% of states within the U.S. have stated that
domestic violence is the main factor for homelessness