Society in general holds certain attitudes about women and their proper roles.
Some of these attitudes and stereotypes work in favor of abusers and against the women who are their victims. The following
list describes some of the negative social attitudes and practices, as well as the abuser's actions that are supported by
the stereotypes about women:
Negative Social Attitudes
Rigid stereotypes and roles
for men and women
Women trained, by custom
and sometimes by law, to be dependent on men
The Cinderella-and-Prince-Charming
Barriers to women in employment,
government, leadership
The view that men ought
to control money, jobs, all the family's major decisions
The family as an institution
discourages any member from leaving or divorce
Police, doctors, schools,
other institutions in society don't always respond quickly to clues of abuse
Crime, poverty, and other
factors make women fearful of living alone
Tendency to over prescribe
drugs for women who are abused
The view that a woman's
role is to take care of the family, and therefore any family troubles are the fault of the woman and are her responsibility
to "fix"
Family, friends tell the
victim to try harder to be a better wife or partner
Faith community expectations
that a wife keep her marriage vows "for better or for worse"
The view that children always
suffer from divorce and keeping the family together is imperative
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