He has stopped being violent or threatening to you or others. |
He acknowledges that his abusive behavior is wrong. |
He understands that he does not have the right to control and dominate you. |
You don't feel afraid when you are with him. |
He does not coerce or force you into having sex when you don't want to. |
You can express anger toward him without feeling intimidated. |
He does not make you feel responsible for his anger or frustration. |
He respects your opinion even if he doesn't agree with it. |
He respects your right to say "no." |
You can negotiate without being humiliated and belittled by him. |
You don't have to ask permission to go out, go to school, get a job, or take other independent
actions. |
He listens to you and respects what you have to say. |
He recognizes that he is not "cured" and that changing his behavior, attitudes, and beliefs
is a lifelong process. |
He no longer does
(fill in the blank with any behavior that used to precede his violence, manipulation, or emotional abuse).
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